MyAlbum - Simple image cataloguer and slideshow =============================================== V2.3 - DigitalMatrix License ---------- This software and all files that accompany it are Freeware. You are free to use, copy and distribute the software and encourage its use. This software is copyright (C) 1998-2003 Pierre MEINDRE (author). The author reserves the right to change this agreement for future versions of the software. You must not reverse-engineer or modify the software and you should only distribute the original file. This software must not be sold. If you distribute the software you must not charge a fee (except for reasonable media and duplication costs). This software is provided as is with no warranties either express or implied as to its suitability for use on any computer system. The author cannot be held responsible for any problems or damages caused directly or indirectly by the use of this software including but not limited to loss of data, money, or business. You use this software entirely at your own risk. Pierre MEINDRE -